Send a Specimen

To send a specimen to Pathology Associates, please follow these simple steps:

1.  Completely fill out a specimen requisition.  Be sure to include:

  • All patient demographic information
  • A clinical diagnosis (if you don’t know what the diagnosis is, please provide a history or description of your observations)
  • Anatomic site
  • All insurance information
  • Date of collection
  • Provider Signature

2.  Place the biopsy in 10% formalin bottle.  Make sure to label the bottle with the patient’s name and specimen site.

Do NOT place the following specimens in 10% Formalin:

  • Frozen Sections what's this?
  • Cultures what's this?
  • Cytogenetics what's this?
  • Cytology Specimens what's this?

3.  Place the bottle and requisition in one of our specimen biohazard bags and call for pick-up at 208-529-6050.

Need Supplies?

Pathology Supply Orders call (208) 529-6050


Mark Anderson, PA-C processing a specimen in the gross room.

Please call our office if you have questions about specimen preparation.

PAP Kits
Pap Kit

Formalin Bottles
Formalin Bottles